Thursday, May 9, 2019

On to the Next Adventure...CHINA!

Hello friends!  After months of waiting, I finally feel that it is the right time to announce my next journey ahead!  Here goes nothing...I'm moving to China!  As few people know, I originally had plans to live in another country.  After weighing my options, China seems like the right next step for me.  Until I went to Thailand, I never considered Asia a place I would consider to live in.  I always pictured myself living my days away in England or Scotland.  Asia still has that sense of mystery and excitement that I am constantly craving that has drawn me back in.

I will be moving to China in June to work with EF English First for at least a year.  I'm thrilled to be living as an expat in China.  Studying abroad was weird because I didn't identify as a tourist but I also didn't identify as an expat either.  It's a weird feeling of just existing in a country for a long period of time.  This time I feel like I will really be able to create a home for myself, learn the language to the best of my ability, and basically start my life in China.

While in school, I unintentionally focused many of my papers on China.  My senior thesis was even on the Belt & Road Initiative.  I never even thought to move to China until I moved back and started thinking about my next step out of university.

My new employers knew that I wanted to be located somewhere I could get into nature and hike so they placed me in Chongqing. Chongqing is in the southwestern part of China at the junction of the Yangtze River and Jialing River and is surrounded by mountains.  It was the capital of China during WW2 so there should be lots of history I'm assuming!  There is a population of around 30 million people.  I have heard that it is a big city but it has a small town feeling.  I am hoping it is similar to Chiang Mai.   It is known as one of the furnace cities of the Yangtze River and stays hot for most of the year.  The city is known for their spicy hot I guess it's time for me to start loving spicy food!

Image result for chongqing

Image result for about chongqing

Chongqing Luxury City Guide - Sofitel Hotel

I am so excited to start this new adventure and thankful for my family and friends for being so supportive.  I cannot believe that I continue to be able to live the life I want.  Not too long ago an old friend was telling me about being scared of getting on a plane.  It made me think about my own life and how different it would have been if I would have let scary things get in the way of what I want in life.  Confronting and beating those obstacles have led to the best experiences in my life.  Doing what you want, in spite of fear, is worth it.  

I hope by continuing this blog I cannot only keep my family and friends updated on my life, but inspire you all to grab your life by the reins and get the most out of it.  Life is meant to take chances, meet amazing people, go on crazy adventures, make mistakes, make the same mistakes again, and learn to grow.  I think the picture above my seat at Purdy's today wraps it up pretty nicely.  It says,  "The world needs who you were made to be.  Be YOU!"  

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